Biden Calls Curbing Filibuster to Raise Debt Limit ‘a Real Possibility’
Senate Democrats discussed carving out an exception to the 60-vote requirement as they explore ways to overcome Republican opposition.

Senate Democrats discussed carving retired an objection to the 60-vote request arsenic they research ways to flooded Republican opposition.

Oct. 5, 2021, 11:28 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON — President Biden said connected Tuesday that Democrats are considering a alteration to Senate filibuster rules to bypass a Republican blockade implicit raising the indebtedness limit, which has acceptable the United States connected a collision people with a authorities default.
“Oh, I deliberation that’s a existent possibility,” Mr. Biden said erstwhile asked if Democrats were considering the last-resort route, which would impact making an objection to let for a indebtedness ceiling measure to walk with a elemental bulk alternatively of the accustomed 60 votes needed.
Senate Democrats discussed carving retired the objection astatine their play luncheon connected Tuesday. No conclusions were reached, but notably, according to participants, the 2 strongest opponents of filibuster changes, Senators Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, did not talk up successful protest. They besides did not talk up successful support.
The move, erstwhile astir unimaginable successful a enclosure steeped successful decorum, has travel nether treatment arsenic the Biden medication and legislature Democrats person explored ways to caput disconnected a authorities default without Republican support. Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen has warned lawmakers of “catastrophic” consequences, including a recession and fiscal crisis, if Congress does not enactment earlier Oct. 18, erstwhile the authorities is projected to beryllium incapable to wage its bills.
On Wednesday, the Senate volition ballot connected whether to instrumentality up authorities to rise the indebtedness ceiling until December 2022. But with 10 Republican senators needed to articulation Democrats successful support, the ballot is expected to fail.
Some Democrats person expressed anticipation that if curbing the filibuster is the lone avenue left, the enactment could muster 50 votes for the regularisation change.
Lawmakers person carved retired different exceptions to the filibuster successful caller years. In 2017, Senate Republicans created one to wide a way for Neil M. Gorsuch, President Donald J. Trump’s archetypal Supreme Court nominee, to instrumentality the bench. And successful 2013, Senate Democrats did so to flooded Republican absorption to President Barack Obama’s nominees for furniture posts and judgeships.
Mr. Biden’s remarks connected Tuesday evening, made arsenic helium returned to the White House aft a travel to Michigan to merchantability a bipartisan infrastructure bundle and expansive societal spending bill, reflected the president’s progressively confrontational attack to a divided enclosure that has presented him with 1 legislative obstacle aft different arsenic helium tries to walk his home agenda.
“As soon arsenic this week, your savings and your pocketbook could beryllium straight impacted by this Republican stunt,” Mr. Biden said during remarks astatine the White House connected Monday, cautioning that a failed ballot connected Wednesday could rattle fiscal markets, sending banal prices little and involvement rates higher. “A meteor is headed for our economy,” helium said.
The president has besides bristled astatine the ultimatum enactment distant by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the number leader, who has said Democrats indispensable usage reconciliation — a much analyzable process that could instrumentality a week oregon much to travel unneurotic — if they privation to flooded Republican absorption to raising the indebtedness limit.
Understand the U.S. Debt Ceiling
Card 1 of 8
What is the indebtedness limit? The debt limit is a headdress connected the full magnitude of wealth that the national authorities is authorized to get via U.S. Treasury bills and savings bonds to fulfill its fiscal obligations. Because the U.S. runs fund deficits, it indispensable get immense sums of wealth to wage its bills.
“I respectfully taxable that it is clip for you to prosecute straight with legislature Democrats connected this matter,” Mr. McConnell wrote successful a missive to Mr. Biden connected Monday. “Your lieutenants successful Congress indispensable recognize that you bash not privation your unified Democratic authorities to sleepwalk toward an avoidable catastrophe erstwhile they person had astir 3 months’ announcement to bash their job.”
Mr. McConnell has said the authorities indispensable not beryllium allowed to halt paying its debts; helium has besides said helium volition not fto immoderate Republicans ballot to rise the indebtedness limit, portion moving to artifact Democrats from doing truthful themselves. Republicans already held unneurotic to filibuster an earlier bill to summation the indebtedness limit.
Once the Republicans again filibuster a indebtedness ceiling summation connected Wednesday, Democrats volition person to crippled a way guardant — and quickly.
On Tuesday evening, the White House announced an lawsuit to support up the pressure: a gathering betwixt Mr. Biden and a radical of executives connected Wednesday to “immediately code the indebtedness bounds and the damaging consequences for American families, tiny businesses and the system if unnecessary hold continues immoderate further.”
Jonathan Weisman contributed reporting.
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