Chicken-sized dinosaur found in Wales is UK's earliest known theropod
Dinosaur fossils found during the 1950s but then lost in London’s Natural History Museum for decades belong to the UK’s earliest known theropod, now named Pendraig milnerae

An artist’s content of Pendraig milnerae, the UK’s earliest known theropod dinosaur James Robbins
Fossils of a tiny meat-eating dinosaur discovered successful a quarry adjacent Cardiff connection the earliest grounds ever recovered successful the UK of theropods, a hugely divers groups of dinosaurs that includes T. rex, Velociraptor and all birds.
This animal, which has been named Pendraig milnerae, lived betwixt 200 and 215 cardinal years ago, during the Late Triassic Epoch. It was unearthed successful a quarry called Pant-y-ffynnon located north-west of Cardiff successful the 1950s, but the fossil was …
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