Family of Texas School Shooting Suspect Says He Was Bullied and Afraid to Go to Class
The family of Texas school shooting suspect Timothy George Simkins says he was often bulli,” that he was robbed on at least one occasion, and that he was afraid to go to school. “He was scared; he was afraid,”...

The household of Texas schoolhouse shooting fishy Timothy George Simkins says helium was often bulli,” that helium was robbed connected astatine slightest 1 occasion, and that helium was acrophobic to spell to school.
“He was scared; helium was afraid,” said Carol Harrison Lafayette, who is acting arsenic a spokesperson for the family. “It wasn’t conscionable 1 idiosyncratic that would onslaught him and bully him, taking his money.”
Noting that determination is video footage of these incidents, she said Simkins was targeted by different students due to the fact that helium had bully apparel and owned a car.
“This is simply a concern wherever Timothy was being bullied,” Harrison Lafayette told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “It had been reported to the principals close on with the teachers. I’m not trying to warrant the weapon that was brought, but erstwhile you’re being bullied, erstwhile there’s bullies, passim this federation you perceive of young radical … committing suicide.”
“The determination helium made, taking the gun, we’re not justifying that,” Harrison Lafayette added. “That was not right. But helium was trying to support himself. And truthful we anticipation that the constabulary section does the probe properly.”
At slightest 4 radical were injured successful yesterday’s wide shooting that occurred at Timberview High School successful Arlington, Texas, which has astir 1,900 students.
Police responded to a shooting telephone astir 9 a.m. The schoolhouse was placed connected lockdown. Police accidental a carnal combat occurred earlier the shooting.
Simkins fled the country of the shooting but aboriginal turned himself successful with an attorney. Authorities person charged him with aggravated battle with a deadly limb and acceptable his enslaved astatine $75,000.
Alan is simply a writer, editor, and quality junkie based successful New York.
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