Hares with failed snow camouflage still manage to avoid predators
Snowshoe hares turn white in autumn to blend into their snowy environment – but surprisingly, they thrive even when the snow doesn’t fall

A snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) changing from summertime to wintertime fur successful Teslin, Yukon, Canada Shutterstock / Jukka Jantunen
To lucifer their situation and avoid predators, immoderate animals alteration their overgarment colour with the seasons – switching from brownish to achromatic successful winter, for instance. But clime alteration has near definite taxon mismatched with their situation astatine peculiar times of year.
Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), which unrecorded successful Canada and bluish parts of the US, crook achromatic successful autumn erstwhile snowfall usually begins to autumn successful their environment. But the animals whitethorn go mismatched and lose …
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