Inventor Creates 3D-Printed Robotic Arms for Chil dren Missing Limbs
Inventor Easton LaChappelle was just 14 when he built his first robotic arm. Today, his company creates lower-cost prosthetic limbs for people who need them.

Oct. 5, 2021 -- Legos are a playroom staple successful galore American homes. But portion astir kids were gathering cars and spaceships retired of these colorful connectable blocks, 14-year-old Easton LaChappelle was making a robotic hand.
"It was benignant of a far-fetched idea," says the present 25-year-old inventor.
Growing up successful Mancos, a tiny agrarian municipality successful southwestern Colorado, LaChappelle had plentifulness of clip to travel up with fanciful inventions.
"I exhausted the schoolhouse strategy reasonably fast,” helium says “In my freshman year, I was already taking senior-level mathematics classes and saying, 'What’s next?'"
With small outer stimulation to support his agile caput occupied, LaChappelle decided to thatch himself engineering and robotics.
"I took isolated everything I could get my hands on," helium recalls. "I would spell to Walgreens, instrumentality each the disposable cameras they were going to propulsion away, and region each the electronics."
Robotic Hand
LaChappelle's archetypal robotic manus utilized Legos arsenic a integrative enactment base. He made the fingers from electrical tubing and utilized sportfishing enactment for the tendons, the heavy tissues that connect bones to the muscles of the fingers and thumb of a existent manus and marque them move.
A mitt controlled his robotic hand's movement.
"When I moved my hand, the robotic manus would transcript my motion. I could prime up objects. I could shingle hands with myself," LaChappelle says.
As soon arsenic helium created the hand, helium devised ways to amended it. He added digit joints and an opposable thumb. Then helium wondered, "What if I could 3D-print it?"
A 3D printer lets inventors physique three-dimensional moving objects from a integer model. LaChappelle got his archetypal 3D printer arsenic a 16th day present, and helium was off.
His archetypal printer was precise primitive.
"It was similar a blistery glue weapon with immoderate motors attached to it," helium says. "But it was moving 24/7 successful my bedroom."
He built a 3D hand, and past an full limb that could flip a shot and shingle hands. In 2013, his robotic limb won archetypal spot for engineering successful the Colorado State Science Fair. Later that year, it placed 2nd astatine the International Science and Engineering Fair. That aforesaid limb shook hands with erstwhile President Barack Obama astatine the 2013 White House Science Fair.
Changing Lives, One Limb astatine a Time
A accidental gathering astatine the 2013 Colorado State Science Fair would alteration the way of LaChappelle's career. A small miss came up to him, funny astir his invention. She was wearing a prosthetic connected her close limb that was small much than a claw. He watched however she moved and opened it.
"It was highly eye-opening for me," LaChappelle says.
He learned from the girl's parents that the prosthetic limb outgo $80,000. Despite the steep terms tag, the limb was bulky, uncomfortable, and not precise useful. What's more, the miss would soon outgrow the limb and request a caller one.
"I couldn't judge that," helium says, adding that helium knew helium could physique a cheaper and much user-friendly arm.
"That was the infinitesimal I dedicated my beingness to making amended prosthetic technology," helium says.
In 2014, astatine property 18, LaChappelle started his ain institution called Unlimited Tomorrow, with fiscal backing from life coach Tony Robbins.
Life-Changing Technology
In the archetypal fewer years of the company's existence, LaChappelle had to enactment retired the exertion needed to make customized limbs for a fraction of the terms of existing ones.
The exemplary helium yet developed lets users scan their limbs utilizing a 3D scanner successful their home, alternatively than having to get fitted successful person. Then the institution prints, assembles, and tests the limb. Finally, it's shipped to the user. By streamlining the accumulation process, LaChappelle brought the outgo of his prosthetic limb, called TrueLimb, down to $8,000.
His archetypal lawsuit was a small miss named Momo, who was missing portion of her close limb and hand. In 2017, met successful Seattle, wherever the inventor helped to acceptable Momo with her caller prosthetic arm.
TrueLimb looks and feels similar a quality arm, close down to the fingernails (which tin beryllium polished). It's controlled by the user's muscles, conscionable similar a existent limb.
Whenever idiosyncratic is fitted for a TrueLimb, they spell done a process of musculus training, wherever sensors successful the prosthetic's socket larn to observe their muscles.
"When idiosyncratic archetypal gets the device, they enactment their limb into a calibration instrumentality that learns wherever the muscles are," LaChappelle says. "The archetypal fewer minutes are similar riding a motorcycle -- you’re getting utilized to it.”
He watched arsenic Momo experimented with her caller limb. Suddenly, everything "clicked."
"She focused connected moving her manus alternatively of moving her muscles," helium says. With her caller limb, Momo was capable to shingle hands and unfastened a door.
LaChappelle's institution besides provided a prosthetic limb to 14-year-old Aashna Patel, who is missing the little portion of her near arm. Her communicative is featured successful the documentary abbreviated The Inventor, which is portion of the Generation Impact bid disposable connected YouTube and The Garage.
Putting the User First
TrueLimb has sold hundreds of prosthetic limbs implicit its 7 years successful business. The institution sells nonstop to consumers, to hospitals and clinics, and to foundations that money the outgo for radical who privation these devices but can't spend them.
"Each TrueLimb is made to the person. It's successful your image, down to your digit magnitude and digit width," LaChappelle says. It's besides matched to each person's skin tone.
Children typically outgrow their prosthetics wrong 12 to 14 months. When they outgrow a TrueLimb prosthetic, they simply nonstop it backmost to the company, which upcycles the parts to physique a caller limb.
Being capable to springiness children similar Aashna and Momo prosthetic limbs is "incredible," LaChappelle says. "It's breathtaking and humbling to spot this instrumentality really being worn and being an hold of them."
He says helium hopes to marque TrueLimb adjacent much affordable, giving entree to much of the astir 40 million amputees worldwide. The exertion whitethorn besides person a usage for radical who've mislaid manus oregon limb question from a stroke.
"I privation to proceed challenging myself, the company, and this manufacture to look astatine things otherwise and enactment the idiosyncratic first," LaChappelle says.
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