Lubricating arthritic knees with synthetic fluid may help tissue heal
Painful knee arthritis may occur when cartilage breaks down and increases friction in joints, but tests in rats suggest a synthetic lubricating fluid helps cartilage regenerate

By Clare Wilson
Coloured X-ray of the knees of an 87-year aged antheral diligent with terrible osteoarthritis DR P. MARAZZI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
Painful arthritic knees could beryllium treated by injections of a lubricating fluid that mimics a earthy mentation recovered successful joints. The fluid allows the damaged joints to repair themselves and has been shown to boost cartilage regeneration successful rats.
Osteoarthritis, a effect of deterioration and teardrop arsenic radical get older, involves harm to cartilage, a rubbery insubstantial that caps the ends of bones. Scans of arthritic knees tin amusement bits of cartilage wrong the associated that person breached disconnected from the main cartilage tissue.
This increases friction wrong the joint, starring to a feedback loop that accelerates the damage, says Chuanbin Mao astatine the University of Oklahoma successful Norman.
People tin person country to region the debris and creaseless remaining cartilage, but this doesn’t enactment precise well. Some experimental approaches impact injecting stem cells, often taken from the person’s humor oregon fat.
Mao and his squad focused alternatively connected synovial fluid, the liquid wrong joints. Healthy associated fluid contains a ample molecule called a lubrication complex, comprised of a backbone of hyaluronic acerb that bears feathery subunits called lubricin, arsenic good arsenic lipid subunits.
The feathery subunits hindrance to h2o molecules, portion the full lubrication analyzable binds to cartilage. This creates a watery furniture connected apical of the cartilage, which reduces friction during associated movement.
Mao and his colleagues created an artificial mentation of the lubrication analyzable by binding different feathery molecule called PAMPS and a lipid substitute to the aforesaid hyaluronic acerb backbone. When applied to pieces of quality cartilage, this reduced friction successful laboratory tests.
The researchers besides injected the substance into rats with aboriginal arthritis successful their limb joints. After 8 weeks, the rats’ joints looked adjacent to mean erstwhile viewed nether the microscope, arsenic gauged by a commonly utilized arthritis-grading scale. The cartilage seemed to person regrown, says Mao. “We recovered that lubrication tin assistance insubstantial regeneration – that’s thing new.”
Next, the squad volition effort retired the artificial fluid connected larger animals with joints that are much akin to those of people.
Journal reference: Nature Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-021-00785-y
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