Mechs And Dragons: An Insider's History Of From Software
You may have been introduced to the studio by Dark Souls, but Tokyo's From Software has a lengthy history in the game industry. While visiting the studio for our October cover story on Dark Souls III, we spoke with...

You whitethorn person been introduced to the workplace by Dark Souls, but Tokyo's From Software has a lengthy past successful the crippled industry. While visiting the studio for our October screen communicative connected Dark Souls III, we spoke with elder managing manager Masanori Takeuchi astir his 20-year vocation wrong From Software's walls.
Throughout the interview, Takeuchi stresses the interior consistency of the workplace contempt their caller detonation of occidental attention: "In the past, our games person been treated arsenic sh--ty games... present they respect what we've been doing each these years." We besides speech a spot astir however they spot Dark Souls III arsenic a "turning point" and are anxious to tackle marque new, smaller projects successful the future. We should constituent retired that, much similar our video illustration connected moving with Dark Souls creator Hidetaka Miyazaki, the translator's audio has been replaced by Game Informer's Jeff Cork to amended the audio quality. To larn adjacent much astir the past of From Software and the bequest of games similar Bloodborne, check retired Dan Tack's diagnostic from earlier this year.
Watch the video interrogation beneath to larn each astir the agelong past of From Software.
To larn much astir Dark Souls III specifically, click connected the banner beneath to participate our hub of contented that volition beryllium updating passim the month.
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