Nurse Fired After Posting Photo of Baby With Birth Defect
A neonatal intensive care nurse at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami has been terminated after she posted two photos of a baby born with birth defects to social media.

Oct. 5, 2021
A neonatal intensive attraction caregiver astatine Jackson Memorial Hospital successful Miami has been terminated aft she posted 2 photos of a babe calved with commencement defects to societal media.
The infirmary said Sierra Samuels violated the patient’s privateness by posting the photos connected her Instagram account, according to Insider.
One photograph had the caption: "My nighttime was going large past boom!" and included a representation of the kid successful the neonatal intensive attraction unit, Insider said, citing WFOR.
A 2nd caption read: "Your intestines 'posed to beryllium wrong not extracurricular baby" and had the hashtag #gastroschisis.
Gastroschisis happens erstwhile a babe is calved with a spread adjacent their belly button, and their intestines and sometimes different organs extremity up extracurricular their body.
Insider said Samuels could not beryllium reached for comment.
The infirmary submitted this connection to WFOR: "Employees who interruption these privateness rules, contempt being educated, are taxable to disciplinary enactment including suspension oregon termination. As soon arsenic we learned of this imaginable breach, we instantly placed this worker nether administrative permission pending the result of the investigation.”
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