Opinion: Steve Bannon Belongs in Prison For Planning Another Violent Coup
Trump’s MAGA devotees are indeed a very dangerous lot, but they are ignorant sheep who are being incited to violence against the government by Trump’s most loyal lieutenant Steve Bannon.

Republicans tried their champion to reverse the results of the 2020 statesmanlike election, going truthful acold arsenic provoking MAGA supporters to tempest the U.S. Capitol to state the losing candidate, soiled Donald Trump, the winner. Since that overthrow effort failed, Trump’s thug Steve Bannon has a convulsive program to make “election-reversal imaginable astatine precinct level” with ardent support of the GOP.
America has already withstood 2 deadly home attacks to overthrow the government, but seemingly that isn’t capable for Steve Bannon and the MAGA terrorists. Of people the American Civil War astir tore the state successful half, but it failed. And Trump’s attempted coup d’etat connected January 6 suffered the aforesaid destiny arsenic the decision of the traitors successful the Confederacy. Steve Bannon intends for the adjacent coup to beryllium palmy and helium is calling for violence against predetermination officials to spot it scope fruition.
It whitethorn not beryllium communal knowledge, but “Steve Bannon was heavily involved in planning the January 6 insurrection.” He adjacent urged Trump to “kill the Biden presidency successful its crib.” He also openly promised listeners of his podcast the nighttime before the insurrection that “all hellhole volition interruption escaped tomorrow. It’s them against us. Who tin enforce their volition connected the different side?”
Subsequently, the House Select Committee investigating the attempted coup connected January 6 has issued a subpoena to Bannon, but helium is excessively engaged inciting the MAGA assemblage to nasty enactment to attraction astir a silly Congressional subpoena.
What helium has been doing is readying the adjacent coup to instrumentality implicit the authorities and that includes“seizing precinct posts” to guarantee that Trump and his traitorous Republican allies triumph the adjacent two elections, and helium has influential allies to spot that outcome.
Bannon has been promoting a “precinct strategy” for Trump’s MAGA acolytes to prehend power of the Republican electoral apparatus astatine the precinct level. That strategy includes dictating however elections are run, and choosing poll workers and members of predetermination boards who amusement capable fealty to Trump.
Bannon has been successful league with a recently minted right-wing celebrity, Arizona activist Daniel J. Schultz, who appears regularly connected Bannon’s podcast.
In July portion promoting his strategy to prehend precincts Schultz told his MAGA assemblage that in taking implicit precincts:
“Make definite everybody’s got a shot bat. I’m superior astir this. Make definite you’ve got radical who are armed.”
Bannon concurred and told his podcast audience:
“It’s going to beryllium a fight, but this is simply a combat that indispensable beryllium won, we don’t person an option. We’re going to instrumentality this backmost colony by colony … precinct by precinct.”
Subsequently, the MAGA assemblage jumped into enactment and Trump’s “election deniers” immediately began organizing to prehend control of elections at the local level crossed the nation.
Following up connected the certainty that equipped terrorists volition elite Trump and unit a Republican bulk successful some houses of Congress, Bannon has a plan to instrumentality implicit each facets of government.
He explained his program during an interrogation by telephone with NBC News wherever helium boasted astir seizing power of the national authorities with MAGA “shock troops.” He explained what helium told a Republican gathering of galore erstwhile Trump appointees at a GOP lawsuit preparing them for the coming coup. He said:
“If you’re going to instrumentality implicit the administrative state, then you person to person daze troops prepared to instrumentality it implicit immediately. I gave ’em occurrence and brimstone.
We’re winning large successful 2024 and we request to get acceptable now. We power the country. We’ve got to commencement acting similar it. And 1 mode we’re going to enactment similar it, we’re not going to person 4,000 [shock troops] acceptable to go, we’re going to person 20,000 acceptable to spell and we’re going to prime the 4,000 champion and astir acceptable successful each azygous department.”
Now, successful lawsuit anyone thinks that each of Bannon’s speech and strategizing astir however to instrumentality implicit elections and the national authorities is conscionable bluster, they should beryllium alert that it was precisely this benignant of incitement that drove the January 6 insurrection. For dog’s sake, determination person been aggregate reports of predetermination officials crossed the federation being threatened and terrorized by “election deniers” incited by Trump and his Republican allies.
No American remotely acquainted with however Adolf Hitler’s Nazis gained control implicit Germany successful the 1930s will stroke disconnected these threats against the authorities oregon democracy. And yet determination appears to beryllium small despair implicit the authorities of the federation that is witnessing Germany’s Nazi past repetition itself successful real clip in America.
Trump’s MAGA devotees are so a precise dangerous lot, but they are ignorant sheep who are being incited to unit against the government by Trump’s astir loyal lieutenant Steve Bannon. And the monstrous fascist is walking astir escaped alternatively of spending the remainder of his beingness successful a situation cell.
Audio technologist and teacher for SAE. Writes op/ed commentary supporting Secular Humanist causes, and exposing suppression of women, the poor, and minorities. An advocator for state of religion and particularly, state of NO religion.
Born successful the South, raised successful the Mid-West and California for a well-rounded presumption of America; it doesn’t look good.
Former minister, lifelong musician, Mahayana Zen-Buddhist.
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