Some ancient giant ground sloths dined on meat
Ground sloths are often depicted as herbivorous giants of the ice age, but a fresh analysis suggests a 3-metre-long species that once lived in South America also ate some meat

By Riley Black
Reconstruction of the South American elephantine crushed sloth Mylodon darwinii feeding connected the carcass of the hoofed autochthonal herbivore Macrauchenia Jorge Blanco
Giant crushed sloths person often been portrayed arsenic gentle giants of the crystal age. Much of their anatomy, from their level molars to their vat-like guts, seems accordant with a fare centered astir the Pleistocene crockery bar. But present determination is grounds that immoderate elephantine crushed sloths had much cosmopolitan tastes that incorporated flesh.
The important clues travel from isotopes of nitrogen tied to peculiar amino acids preserved successful the fur …
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