The Liberal Activist Who Targets Republicans With a MAGA Masquerade
Pretending to be like-minded, Lauren Windsor has generated headlines by coaxing conservatives like Tommy Tuberville and Glenn Youngkin into making revealing statements about their views.

Mike Pence told her, “I emotion your heart.”
Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio confided successful her that Donald J. Trump would soon denote helium was moving again for president successful 2024.
Glenn Youngkin, the Republican nominee for politician of Virginia, revealed to her that helium could not publically property his anti-abortion docket for fearfulness of losing autarkic voters.
All of them made these comments to Lauren Windsor, a wide activistic who has turned a hidden camera, a Tennessee drawl and a knack for disarming her targets with words of sympathetic conservatism into a loaded governmental weapon.
Posing arsenic a existent believer — successful Mr. Trump oregon a stolen 2020 predetermination — Ms. Windsor approaches Republican leaders astatine enactment gatherings and tries to coax them into revealing things that they mightiness privation to support successful the G.O.P. family.
Since precocious past year, arsenic she has traveled wide astir the country, respective of her recordings person generated headlines.
Her encounter successful December 2020 with Tommy Tuberville, past a senator-elect from Alabama, elicited the archetypal existent grounds that immoderate Republicans successful the Senate would cull the Electoral College votes certifying Mr. Biden’s victory, a determination based connected groundless claims of fraud. “We’re going to person to bash it successful the Senate,” Mr. Tuberville told Ms. Windsor aft a speech, arsenic an adjutant hustled him away.
“More Republicans should travel his lead,” Mr. Trump tweeted aft the signaling was uploaded. Eight G.O.P. senators including Mr. Tuberville ended up voting connected Jan. 6 to overturn the predetermination results, adjacent aft rioters stormed the Capitol that day.
Ms. Windsor, 40, calls herself an “advocacy journalist,” though her methods autumn beyond the airy of mainstream journalism, wherever reporters mostly shy distant from assuming mendacious identities and secretly signaling conversations.
She says her stings are justified by Republicans’ efforts to dispersed disinformation astir the predetermination and to weaken the nation’s antiauthoritarian underpinnings done restrictive caller voting laws and measures taking greater power implicit however elections are run.
“Extraordinary times telephone for bonzer measures,” she said successful an interview. Assuming a mendacious identity, she argued, tin nutrient a truer grounds of a politician’s views. “Acting similar you’re 1 of them — you’re going to elicit antithetic answers than if you person a newsman successful somebody’s look and they cognize you’re a journalist.”
While Ms. Windsor’s videos are often picked up by left-leaning quality outlets, the governmental interaction of them tin beryllium limited. Some of her Republican targets disregard her videos arsenic thing they haven’t said before, successful truthful galore words.
The bait she dangles to gully retired a effect tin beryllium highly tendentious. “This is simply a Christian state, and Democrats are not Christian,” she told a cowboy-hatted Texas legislator successful the Capitol successful Austin.
Claiming to person been astatine the United States Capitol connected Jan. 6, she challenged Mr. Pence astir wherefore helium didn’t “stop the predetermination from being stolen.” The erstwhile vice president didn’t bite: “Read the Constitution,” helium said, earlier offering parting praise of her “heart.”
A spokesperson for Mr. Youngkin, the Republican campaigner for politician successful Virginia, denied helium had said thing privately that helium had not uttered publicly, adjacent though helium told Ms. Windsor that helium had to beryllium discreet astir his anti-abortion views. “When I’m politician and I person a bulk successful the House, we tin commencement going connected offense,” helium said to her successful their encounter. “But arsenic a run topic, sadly, that successful information won’t triumph my autarkic votes that I person to get.”
Her practices person drawn inevitable comparisons to the right-wing gotcha squad Project Veritas, but she says determination are important differences.
While Project Veritas has embedded moles successful left-leaning groups and Democratic campaigns, Ms. Windsor says she avoids specified methods.
She makes her undercover recordings astatine nationalist events successful little encounters. She usually uploads the afloat enactment to her YouTube page, The Undercurrent, oregon successful segments connected Twitter (which limits a video’s length).
And portion Project Veritas has often targeted chartless inferior unit members, Ms. Windsor says she tends to acceptable her sights connected elder Republican officials.
Ms. Windsor besides has a idiosyncratic backmost communicative with Project Veritas — which is led by the blimpish activistic James O’Keefe — that hangs implicit her career.
A twelve years ago, she uploaded sympathetic reports of Occupy encampments. In 2012, she sneaked into a retreat of Republican members of Congress successful Baltimore. Hearing of her exploit, Robert Creamer, a longtime progressive strategist, offered to beforehand her career. He and different strategist, Mike Lux, a media specialist, who unneurotic were founders of the consulting steadfast Democracy Partners, became “mentors” to Ms. Windsor, she said.
Two years later, operatives for Project Veritas infiltrated Democracy Partners, which was moving to elite Hillary Clinton. Edited videos posted by Project Veritas showed a subcontractor for Mr. Creamer discussing imaginable ways to incite unit astatine Trump rallies. The videos embarrassed the Clinton campaign, and Mr. Creamer stepped backmost from the contention successful its last weeks.
Ms. Windsor described Democracy Partners, wherever she has since go a partner, arsenic the equivalent of family, and the undercover cognition by Project Veritas arsenic a idiosyncratic blow.
“The infiltration of our bureau felt similar a precise heavy wound,” she said.
In response, she created Project Veritas Exposed, a website that uploads pictures and dossiers of individuals purported to person worked undercover for Mr. O’Keefe. In 2018, the run of Abigail Spanberger, present a Virginia congresswoman, fired a volunteer aft uncovering her connected Project Veritas Exposed and confronting her.
More recently, Ms. Windsor provided a document to reporters astatine The New York Times astir a planned cognition successful 2018 involving Project Veritas operatives. Further reporting revealed that the cognition was aimed astatine H.R. McMaster, Mr. Trump’s nationalist information advisor astatine the time, who had fallen retired of favour with Trump supporters. (Project Veritas has sued The Times for libel implicit a abstracted matter.)
Ms. Windsor rejected immoderate conception that her undercover enactment was a signifier of revenge aft the infiltration of her mentors’ institution successful 2016.
“In presumption of the undercover enactment I’m presently doing, it has thing to bash with O’Keefe and everything to bash with the information that extremist right-wingers are trying to overthrow our democracy,” she said.
Asked for comment, Mr. O’Keefe accused Ms. Windsor of selectively editing her videos, including an brushwood Ms. Windsor and a workfellow had with a Project Veritas operative who infiltrated Democracy Partners. (The occurrence predated her existent bid of undercover encounters with Republicans.) Mr. O’Keefe said that his group’s “reporting and our grounds speaks for itself,” and argued that Ms. Windsor had “lackluster ethics.” Democracy Partners has sued Project Veritas implicit its infiltration of the wide group, and that litigation is ongoing.
In immoderate ways, Ms. Windsor’s stings echo those of possibly the starring practitioner of stunts meant to deceive Republicans, the comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, who targeted figures including Mr. Pence and Rudolph W. Giuliani for his 2020 movie “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm.” But Mr. Cohen mostly carries retired his antics for amusement and daze value, whereas Ms. Windsor sees herself arsenic a much superior governmental player.
Her existent enactment is funded by a tiny nonprofit progressive group, American Family Voices, which pursues activities “that much accepted D.C. groups weren’t capable oregon willing” to do, according to its website.
Leo Hindery Jr., a manager of American Family Voices and a businessman who erstwhile led the YES Network, defended Ms. Windsor’s masquerading arsenic a blimpish to dupe Republicans, arsenic she did with Mr. Youngkin, the Virginia campaigner for governor, whose statements astir termination were utilized successful an onslaught ad by his Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe.
“Youngkin’s views connected termination are just crippled successful my opinion,” Mr. Hindery said. “Just due to the fact that the idiosyncratic lasting crossed from him helium thinks is simply a large blimpish state — it’s his views that are news.”
Ms. Windsor is cagey astir immoderate of her methods. She usually works with a antheral confederate. Though she is sometimes nervous, she said, adrenaline fuels her. “It’s exhilarating being successful the arena successful a conflict of wits,” she said.
An Arkansas autochthonal who was raised adjacent Nashville, Ms. Windsor successful her encounters dials up her Southern accent and postures arsenic a wide-eyed conservative, sometimes successful a MAGA hat. It encourages politicians to “mansplain” to her, she said.
On occasion, they look to get implicit their skis. Mr. Jordan, the Ohio congressman, confided astatine a Republican lawsuit successful Iowa successful aboriginal September that helium had spoken to Mr. Trump the time earlier and that the erstwhile president was “about acceptable to announce” a 2024 campaign. Mr. Jordan’s bureau walked back the comment.
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who has sown doubts astir whether Mr. Biden won fairly, told Ms. Windsor that “there’s thing evidently skewed astir the results” of the 2020 election, undercutting Mr. Trump’s mendacious arguments that elector fraud caused his defeat.
In a statement, Mr. Johnson said that determination were “many irregularities” successful the Wisconsin election, but that helium had acknowledged Mr. Biden’s triumph since the Electoral College met successful December. “This expected undercover signaling by a Democrat governmental operative astatine a nationalist lawsuit is accordant with what I’ve been saying publically connected the 2020 election,” the legislator said. “No request for hidden cameras and concealed recordings.”
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