Voices of Breast Cancer Survivors: Looking Back, Offering Advice
Each survivor's cancer, experts know, is unique, and so is their experience with it. WebMD asked several survivors what they wish they had known at the start of their cancer journey and what advice they would give to those...

Oct. 4 , 2021 -- Ashley Brown was sitting successful the bureau of the doc who would go her breast cancer surgeon, listening to his attraction program arsenic her parent tearfully took notes. After the explanation, including his sentiment that a lumpectomy would beryllium the close treatment, helium asked if determination were immoderate questions.
Just one: Could she proceed grooming for her upcoming half-marathon astatine Disney World, her first?
"He gave maine a comic look and said, 'That is your biggest concern?'" recalls Brown, who was diagnosed 4 years agone astatine the property of 28.
Brown laughs now, admitting that it wasn't her lone interest -- but it was a large one. She had trained and looked guardant to this milestone. Looking back, she knows present that her gut absorption -- not letting crab ruin her dream -- whitethorn person made each the quality connected her roadworthy to recovery.
Currently successful the U.S., determination are much than 3.8 cardinal bosom crab survivors, including those being treated and those who person finished their treatment. The immense bulk are women, though bosom crab does impact men. (While a woman's chances of getting bosom crab are 1 successful 8, a man's is 1 successful 833.)
Each survivor's cancer, experts know, is unique, and truthful is their acquisition with it. WebMD asked respective survivors what they privation they had known astatine the commencement of their crab travel and what proposal they would springiness to those recently diagnosed. Here, Ashley Brown and 8 others stock their wisdom.
Running After a Goal
Brown, a regulatory affairs specializer for a pharmaceutical company, had country successful mid-January 2018, and the half-marathon was the extremity of February -- earlier she was to commencement connected chemotherapy and radiation.
As she acceptable retired from her location successful Camden, DE, to Florida, she had different petition for her doctors: "Don't telephone maine during this clip unless it's an emergency." They agreed to that request. "I got a 5-day break," she says. "I deliberation that stopped maine from having breakdowns."
The half-marathon, which was preceded by a 5K and 10K "warmup," gave Brown "something to absorption connected and to beryllium excited about." She suggests those recently diagnosed not cancel each their plans.
"If you person a travel planned, inquire if you tin inactive go,” she says.
On the fiscal side, inquire astir fiscal assistance erstwhile inactive successful treatment, Brown says. She recovered retired excessively precocious astir immoderate grants that could person eased her stress.
Older, but Not Risk-Free
Nancy Allen, 71, has spent the past 20 years supporting others facing cancer. She's enforcement manager of We Spark, a crab enactment halfway successful the Los Angeles country she that she helped to recovered successful 2001. Even so, she says she was "literally gobsmacked" erstwhile she recovered retired successful September 2020 that she had bosom cancer.
"I went successful for a mammogram and a bone density test," she says. "I was much disquieted astir the bony density." She had the fleeting thought that bosom crab "is not going to hap astatine my age."
But it did. Her doctors recovered it early, truthful a lumpectomy was judged arsenic capable country for her.
"In a way, I deed the jackpot," she says.
To others with a breast crab diagnosis, she says: "Treat it similar a task you are moving on. Research your doctors: What is their education? Where did they bash their residency? I created a small publication and wrote worldly down."
She'd ever speech to 2 oregon much doctors erstwhile determination was a determination to beryllium made, she says.
"Self-soothing" is crucial, she found.
"I judge successful the mind-body connection," she says. "I judge successful guided imagery and hypnotherapy wherever you tin self-soothe."
She besides got a "cancer mentor" who helped tremendously -- a neighbour who was 6 months up of her successful treatment. Finding idiosyncratic similar that, she says, is particularly adjuvant "when you consciousness retired of power and crazy" -- due to the fact that they tin validate what you are experiencing and feeling.
Learn Not to Listen -- to Some
Soon aft Ellen Brown, 63, of Los Angeles recovered retired she had stage II bosom cancer much than 10 years ago, a pistillate from her synagogue, who had recovered from bosom cancer, invited her implicit for coffee. Brown, a retired quality resources executive, was settled successful for the sojourn erstwhile her person brought retired her aesculapian file. Her immense aesculapian file. And her person wanted to spell done each of it, reappraisal it each successful detail, for her.
"She thought she was helping," Brown laughs now. But of course, she wasn't. For idiosyncratic faced with a akin situation, she says it's OK, adjacent preferable, to diminution their proposal and information. Not everyone agrees, but Brown believes friends who person had bosom crab "need to support their mouths unopen astir their cancer" erstwhile talking to friends who person conscionable been diagnosed.
After the java visit, she says, she concluded that "I conscionable wanted answers from my doctor. I didn't privation it from my friends." It’s important to person support. But she advises the recently diagnosed: "Seek retired radical who are conscionable going to beryllium bully listeners. It's your journey."
Workaholics, Beware
Gayle Whittemore, 60, of Studio City, CA., is the main fiscal serviceman for a nonprofit enactment devoted to children. "I'm a workaholic," she admits. So, erstwhile she kept feeling an "itchiness" astir her bosom successful 2011, she ignored it, contempt pleas and nagging from her wife, Alexandra Glickman. The nagging ramped up erstwhile Glickman called Whittemore's mother, and they ganged up connected her.
A mates of days aft a biopsy successful January 2012, Gayle got the cancer diagnosis. She had Paget's illness of the breast, a uncommon signifier that often starts astatine the nipple. After lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiation, she is present astatine the 10-year cancer-free mark. Her champion proposal would beryllium not to bash what she did -- procrastinate.
Like Ellen Brown, she besides suggests not listening to friends who person outrageous suggestions. One of her friends told her: "Just devour 4 cloves of ail and you won't request the surgery." In response, Gayle says, "I fundamentally said, 'Thanks truthful much.' I didn't bring it up again, and she didn't bring it up again."
Gayle besides lauds her spouse for helping her get through. "She was with maine the full time," Gayle says, adding that it is important not to hide caregivers.
When it became evident to some of them that caregivers request help, the 2 raised $200,000 to commencement a program, Couples Coping with Cancer Together astatine City of Hope Cancer Center, wherever Gayle received care, and proceed to rise funds. To date, the programme has helped 2,300 couples get though their crab treatment.
Call successful the Therapist
Deborah DeKoff, 60, an pedagogue and nonrecreational lensman successful Park City, UT, is an autarkic businesswoman who knows however to grip her life. Then, 5 years ago, she got her bosom crab diagnosis.
"You deliberation you tin grip everything, but you are being thrown truthful much," she says now. She wishes idiosyncratic would person steered her to intelligence counseling close aft the diagnosis. In time, she did find a counselor, and it helped.
She besides suggests: "Unless the idiosyncratic is simply a aesculapian professional, bash not perceive to them. Everyone is Doctor Google: 'I work this connected the internet.'"
Her attraction and betterment play were afloat of surprises, pleasant and not so. In the gym 1 day, different gym subordinate grabbed the beanie disconnected her bald head, saying she conscionable wanted to look.
"You volition find immoderate radical you person ne'er met volition travel guardant and beryllium your champion supporter,” she says. “Other radical who you thought would beryllium your champion supporters volition vanish forever."
Like galore survivors, DeKoff present gives back. She's an advocator for Susan G. Komen, a nonprofit bosom crab advocacy organization. She aims to assistance different women not consciousness arsenic overwhelmed arsenic she erstwhile did.
"As an advocate, I person sat determination with idiosyncratic recently diagnosed," she says, and she offers help, whether taking notes astatine an bureau sojourn oregon suggesting they grounds the session.
Participate successful Your Care
Soon aft Maria McLeod, 58, of Bellingham, WA, recovered retired she had signifier 2 invasive ductal carcinoma, she knew 1 thing: "It was precise important for maine to empower myself and beryllium participatory successful my crab treatment."
She did that by educating herself.
"I deliberation it's important for radical to recognize their illness,” she says.
As a prof of journalism and an author, she was already bully astatine researching. She besides knew the contented of getting a second opinion.
"Through probe and a 2nd opinion, I didn't extremity up having chemo." When each the accusation was weighed, the lumpectomy and radiation were considered sufficient, she says.
"If you person a teaching infirmary adjacent you that you tin spell to, take that," she suggests to those recently diagnosed, due to the fact that these institutions are committed to probe and whitethorn person a clinical trial that would beryllium appropriate.
What she did not expect: Horrible suggestions from friends and wounded feelings from different friends. When McLeod told 1 person astir her diagnosis, "The archetypal happening she said was, 'Why don't you conscionable get some breasts chopped off?’" And different friend, erstwhile helium learned of her diagnosis secondhand, protested and whined: "I thought we were friends."
The bottommost line, she says: "Even the astir well-meaning radical volition accidental horrible things. Knock retired the toxins successful your life, and I mean two-legged toxins, too."
Fighting Fear, Staying Strong
Esmeralda Guzman, 48, of Beloit, WI, was mode excessively engaged for cancer. The parent of a 4-year-old (and 2 big twins) owns an ice cream store and a restaurant. When diagnosed with signifier II crab successful June 2020, "I was shocked erstwhile they gave maine the atrocious news," she says. "I cried."
She had helped her mom, who's present 83, get done her bosom crab 11 years ago. And she knew she had to beryllium beardown for her daughter.
She had a treble mastectomy and reconstruction and conscionable finished her past chemotherapy successful mid-September. "Don't beryllium afraid," she tells chap patients. "Nowadays, the exertion and medicine are advanced."
And instrumentality immoderate time. "During treatment, I didn't enactment for a full year," she says. She's backmost present and determined to turn her businesses.
Negotiate … and Prepare for Dark Days
Elizabeth Poston, 42, of Charlotte, NC, a publication writer and elder manager of concern improvement for a company, was 35 erstwhile she was diagnosed with bosom cancer. "We went up and did a treble mastectomy due to the fact that it was increasing rather aggressively."
She learned aboriginal to negotiate. "I drew a hard enactment connected the nipple." They were not to instrumentality it, she told doctors, and they honored that demand.
"They wanted maine to bash chemo for six rounds; I negotiated down to 4 rounds." Her request, doctor-approved, was based connected probe from Europe and the U.S., she says, uncovering that little was OK for her diagnosis.
Timelines for attraction determination fast, and "I privation I had taken a breath." The doctors' extremity "was to prevention my life, and excavation was to optimize the prime of my life."
All the unit results successful what she calls a "chemical flatline," which she experienced, and yet near her prone to anxiety and depression. Part of the difficulty, she says, was that "there's a play aft [treatment] erstwhile the full satellite looks away. Everyone, including you, gets bushed of your communicative of cancer. I didn't privation to proceed the communicative of 'Elizabeth has cancer.'"
Expect a full "relearning yourself phase," she suggests. "Allow yourself to feel, and effort not to unopen down." Surround yourself with a enactment strategy -- "whether 1 oregon 100 -- with whom you are definite you tin beryllium wholly susceptible with."
Cancer, and Difficult Fertility Issues
Robin Sprance, a originative freelance idiosyncratic successful Queens, NY, was conscionable 36 erstwhile she was diagnosed with crab successful 2017. A period later, she had a lumpectomy.
Then, her oncologist brought up different determination she needed to make, ideally earlier she began the recommended radiation treatment: What astir her aboriginal fertility? She had nary children.
"That full portion was unexpected," she says of the request to determine whether to frost her eggs. She did determine to bash that, and security partially covered it.
"For women who are premenopausal, it's similar a full different animal" to fig retired fertility issues, she says, erstwhile the absorption is understandably getting the crab nether control.
She besides had to get utilized to the world of being the youngest 1 successful the waiting country astatine her doctor's office. Then she recovered the Young Survival Coalition, a enactment enactment founded successful 1998 by a radical of women each diagnosed with bosom crab earlier property 40.
"I made immoderate friends there, and volunteered to tally the Facebook page," she says. "It is adjuvant to cognize others successful my situation."
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