Weird Migraine Triggers, Symptoms, and Types
Do you know what’s behind your migraine? Learn some of the lesser-known symptoms and triggers.

When you deliberation of migraines, caput symptom astir apt comes to mind. But a migraine tin consciousness similar weakness, dizziness, oregon a stomachache, too.
Migraine tin impact antithetic parts of your tense strategy -- and it tin amusement up successful immoderate astonishing ways and from immoderate antithetic triggers.
Most migraine headaches typically autumn into 1 of 2 main types: with oregon without aura.
Those without aura are the astir common. But determination are different types, too, and their symptoms whitethorn not beryllium what you expect.
Hemiplegic Migraine
Does your caput symptom travel with a bonus of anemic arms and legs? You could beryllium dealing with a uncommon benignant of migraine called hemiplegic migraine.
“It's not feeling similar your limbs are dense due to the fact that they’re numb, oregon feeling clumsy -- that's communal with migraine. You really are weak,” says Robert Kaniecki, MD, manager of the UPMC Headache Center successful Pittsburgh.
You whitethorn person problems moving 1 broadside of your body, oregon you whitethorn adjacent person a droop successful your face.
Although this whitethorn marque you interest you’re having a stroke, the caput symptom is the key. The operation of some headache and weakness points to a hemiplegic migraine.
Vestibular Migraine
If you’re off-balance and consciousness similar you mightiness propulsion up erstwhile your caput throbs, you could beryllium having a vestibular migraine. You mightiness adjacent person these symptoms without a headache.
“Vestibular migraine tin contiguous with (dizzy) episodes oregon continuous dizziness, which tin consciousness similar you are moving oregon connected a boat,” says Deena Kuruvilla, MD, aesculapian manager of the Westport Headache Institute successful Connecticut.
You’re much apt to get vestibular migraines if you’ve dealt with car sickness your full life.
Retinal (Ocular) Migraine
Brief imaginativeness loss, on with seeing flashing lights, tin beryllium a grounds of a retinal migraine.
Although losing your imaginativeness from a migraine tin beryllium scary, it typically lone lasts astir 10 to 20 minutes. And it usually lone affects 1 eye.
Retinal migraines are antithetic from migraines with aura, which tin marque you spot flashing lights oregon zigzag lines successful some eyes.
Abdominal Migraine
Stomach symptom oregon soreness paired with nausea and vomiting tin awesome a benignant of migraine mostly seen successful children younger than 12.
Even though a headache isn’t a portion of the picture, doctors inactive enactment it successful the migraine column.
Abdominal migraines arsenic a kid tin crook into existent migraines aboriginal successful life.
“They commencement disconnected with these variants and past that variant goes distant and they crook into a much emblematic migraine headache alternatively than belly pain,” Kaniecki says.
Other kinds of migraine variants successful kids that thin to crook into emblematic migraines aboriginal see cyclic vomiting (a benignant of migraine that causes -- you guessed it -- galore rounds of vomiting) and paroxysmal torticollis (a uncommon upset successful infants that causes caput tilting).
Common Migraine Triggers
The astir communal culprits that tin footwear disconnected migraines include:
- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- Changes successful hormones
- Changes successful weather
- Diet (caffeine, alcohol, definite foods, oregon not getting capable water)
- Light
- Certain smells
- Taking excessively overmuch headache medication
But these acquainted triggers conscionable scratch the surface. Depending connected the benignant of migraines you get -- and your body’s unsocial constitution -- your triggers could look overmuch different.
Surprising Migraine Triggers
These antithetic migraine-starters could beryllium mounting yours off:
Sleeping in. True, if you don’t get capable slumber you could get a migraine, but if you deed snooze and slumber the time distant you mightiness besides get one.
“It makes different dominoes fall,” Kaniecki says. “You hold things similar your greeting calories and caffeine.”
Being glued to a screen. Too overmuch clip successful beforehand of a computer, TV, oregon smartphone tin trigger a migraine, and Kuruvilla says the pandemic has made this much common.
“Many radical are moving from home, and arsenic a effect their surface clip betwixt work, societal media, and web surfing has gone up substantially,” she says.
Certain sounds. A dependable doesn’t person to beryllium large to origin a migraine. Sometimes definite tones -- a shrill, vibrating, oregon high-pitched noise, for illustration -- tin worm their mode into your encephalon and acceptable disconnected an attack.
Lack of stress. Yep, that’s close -- sometimes the calm aft a accent tempest makes you ripe for a migraine.
“It’s called accent letdown,” Kaniecki says. “It isn’t the engaged week -- it's the weekend. It's not the last -- it's aft the final.”
Vaccines. Any benignant of changeable tin bring connected headaches, but luckily they don’t last. And a short-lived broadside effect similar a migraine is acold little harmful than the illness oregon unwellness your vaccine volition support you from. If you’re disquieted astir getting immoderate vaccine, speech to your doctor.
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