Category: Science

The surprising ways the place where you work affects yo...

Your brain is exquisitely sensitive to your surroundings, tuning into external cues and distractions whether you like it or not. U...


Understand the spectacular result of positively and negatively charged particles within storm clouds separating and releasing thei...

Why Apple's crackdown on child abuse images is no easy ...

Apple will inspect photos uploaded to the cloud by iPhones in the US to detect images of child sexual abuse – a move praised by ch...

Seemingly harmless plant is a carnivore with flowers th...

A plant that grows in bogs along the west coast of North America has been spotted using its flowers to eat insects – until now, re...

IPCC author Tamsin Edwards: 'Still possible to limit wa...

Tamsin Edwards, a lead author of the landmark IPCC report on climate change, says that some climate changes are irreversible but w...

Earth will hit 1.5°C climate limit within 20 years, say...

Earth will unavoidably hit the critical threshold of 1.5°C warming due to climate change within the next 20 years, regardless of h...

13 things we learned from the landmark IPCC climate rep...

The world’s top climate scientists have today released their first major review in eight years on the physical science of climate ...

Pianists fitted with robotic thumb can learn to play wi...

A robotic thumb strapped next to the little finger can be controlled well enough by some people to be used while playing piano

Dolphins spotted trapping fish in mud rings in the Cari...

Some dolphins churn up seafloor mud to form a ring that traps fish – and now we know the technique has been developed independentl...

Organic blobs built in lab may be small step towards sy...

Microscopic organic blobs created from scratch could provide clues about how biological cells formed spontaneously on early Earth ...

Ancient lake in Mars’s Gale crater may have actually be...

Gale crater, which NASA’s Curiosity rover has been exploring for the past eight years, was thought to have once held a huge lake –...

Giant dinosaurs may have fasted like emperor penguins w...

The largest known dinosaurs may have fasted like emperor penguins while laying their eggs, suggests a chemical analysis of their e...

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